Running for Charity
- At September 07, 2012
- By Scott
- In News
Our very own Stuart McCallum recently took part in the Glasgow Half Marathon along with over 24,000 other keen (crazy)runners, finishing in a very respectable 2hrs.
Stuart decided that when he would do the run he would try his best and raise as much money as he could for a local charity that is very close to all our hearts. Up until now he has raised an amazing £4750 and donations are still coming in. If you feel you would like to make a wee donation before it shuts please click on the link below
The Ayrshire Hospice, located in Ayr, provides Specialist Palliative Care for people with cancer and other life limiting illnesses and support for their families and carers across Ayrshire.
All Hospice services are free of charge and as a registered charity we rely on the support and generosity of our supporters without whom the Hospice could not exist.
Stuart and his fellow runners showing off their medals on the way to the nearest pub to ‘rehydrate’ ………they said!!
McCallum Pipe Chanters win 1st 2nd & 3rd
The final of the Bagad National Championship (grade 1) was held as it is every year at the Festival Interceltic of Lorient. After this final, Bagad Kemper were crowned Champions of Brittany for the 20th time.
In this competion the three highest ranked pipes corps all played with McCallum pipe chanters.
(Bagad Kemper 2012 Champions)
Pipe Corps Results (Lorient contest)
1st Bagad Cap Caval 2nd Bagad Brieg 3rd Bagad Kemper
Overall (Lorient contest)
1st Bagad Kemper 2nd Bagad Brieg 3rd Bagad Cap Caval
2012 Championship
1st Bagad Kemper 2nd Bagad Cap Caval 3rd Kevrenn Alre
The McCallum Bagpipe chanter that has been so successful for the bands is called the Breton chanter which is slightly lower pitched to blend in with the bombards and the coloured buttons are inserted into the holes so that the pipers can play C natural and F natural without changing their fingering.